Sunday, July 19, 2009

I still love reading medical journals

I got this habit reading medical journals but I was working in the state hospital and that was around 20 years back. It's like you develop a habit and then you cannot get out of it. Medical journals are utterly boring to most of the people but I like reading them and I'm addicted to it, I guess.

Your work has a lot of impact on the way you like to spend your time. Even after all these years I don't like to waste time on watching TV and playing any kind of games. That also explains the kind of workaholic I am. My wife has been complaining of this for a long time. I know I should have given her a lot more time than I did but I guess she knows this pretty well and doesn't complain anymore.

I have a subscription of around five medical journals at my home which no one else is interested in. Lately I've also been reading some business journals because of my reading habit. The library at my home has a ton of books on every topic possible and have spent a lot of money on the books.

Reading is a good habit but with Internet, iPods, media players, portable games, cell phones, the attention span of a person has really gone down. There's so much happening in a person's life at single point of time that he is more in a confused state. The mind is never at rest always hopping from one thing to another which can be really bad for concentration. And I guess these will not improve until a person has some self-discipline. I wonder if the new generation is at peace with themselves ever. The always occupied with something on the other which is taking up the time as well, and by the time they realize that they have already wasted a lot of precious moments of their life with earplugs plugged into their iPods.

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